Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Latest Article On Gemstones

Starting To Collect Gemstones

By Lee MacRae

Why collect loose gemstones you ask? Well for one thing they are very beautiful items. And just like natural diamonds they can become extremely valuable over the years. Many hobbyists love to find, collect and finish the nearly 150 types of gemstones found today. Follow along as we discuss the hobby of loose gemstone collecting.

Right at the beginning, what you need is to get yourself some reading material. You want to understand as much as possible about the subject of gemstones. The more you know about the hobby of gemstones the less likely you are to make a mistake. You'll know exactly what to buy.

The first item to factor in is gemstone color. You want the gemstone to be as close as possible to the pure colors of the spectrum. This means blue, green, yellow, orange, red and violet. The prices for very pale or very dark semiprecious and precious gemstones are lower.

The cut of the stone is extremely important and factors into appraisal of diamonds but you're gemstones as well. A good cut showcases the natural color of the gemstone, lessen any inclusions and highlight the proportions and symmetry of the stone. One way to determine the precision regarding the cut of the gemstone is if it is able to reflect light on a consistent level over the stones complete surface. If the gemstone is cut to shallow most of the light will refract out instead of reflecting internally. That will make the gem seem washed out and windowed.

Gemstone clarity is an important consideration. Gemstone clarity relates to a stones relative freedom from inclusions or blemishes. A gemstones that is normally found to be clean is obviously worth more. To see flaws beyond with the eye can see requires a 10X gemstone clarity magnifier or gem microscope. Serious hobbyists will use an inexpensive 10X gemstone or jewelers loup for examining coins, stamps and of course gemstones.

Next comes weight and size. Save for pearls and corals, all gemstones are valued by the unit called the carat. One carat equals a 0.2 grams. Be aware however, that size and weight and gemstones are not the same. Density or specific gravity can very. If you have a diamond that weighs 1.00 carats, you will find a Sapphire or ruby of the same size would weigh 1.20 carats.

Collecting gemstones can be a great hobby. And there is such a variety when it comes to gemstones. You can start collecting gemstones like Garnet, Sugilite Cassiterite for example. The choice and beauty and variety is almost endless. And if you like to save money but love vacations you can find gemstones for yourself instead of buying. Take the example of the United States. In Arizona you can find Agatized wood (Petrified wood), Azur-Malachite, Turquoise, Garnet, Peridot, Jasper and Moissanite

Buy loose faceted gemstones as well as inexpensive loose diamonds and also natural red diamond today in our store!

Gemstones For Sale

Tips On buy loose diamonds

Sapphire is the gem quality form of Corundum. It is second only to Diamond in
hardness. The hardness of coruCrystals and gemstones have been used throughout
the ages to improve various human conditions. The color and mineral composition
lend energy to improving situations from headaches to digestion on a physical
level and love loss or mood imbalances on an emotional level. But these rocks
don�t stop with just the physical or the emotional aspects of our lives.
Crystals and gemstones can help us mentally and spiritually as well. By using
your intention combined with the inherent qualities, color and vibration of the
gemstone, you can transform any situation with determination and focus.
Gemstones are a tool just like you would use a hammer to effectively put a nail
into a wall, gemstones help integrate and align you with the intention that you
have decided to put into your consciousness and make manifest in the world.
Buy oval Zircon loose gemstones today!

The name �tourmaline� was derived from the Singhalese expression �tura mali� which translates as �stone of mixed colors�. Because tourmalines are a complex crystal often mixed with elements such as aluminum and boron, it occurs in more colors than most minerals, and can even have more than one color or hue. Green and red are the better known colors as well as multicolored stones. Depending on the angle of view, the color will be different or at least show a different intensity. In the 17th century it was found that tourmalines become electrically charged when under pressure or heated. This discovery attributed it with magical powers. Some believed the pink tourmaline attracted love, and the green brought success.
Buy Moss Agates loose gemstones today!

The GIA recently released a new cut grading system and it appears they have
finally conquered this beast. Rather than calculating how close a cut came to an
�ideal� set of proportions, the new system is based on how the individual
elements combine to affect the appearance of a diamond. In addition, they were
able to install some flexibility in the system to allow for personal preferences
, with table size being a prime example.
Buy gold Sapphire loose gemstones today!

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In Campbell’s case, it’sa piece he calls his “Mafia” or “pimp” ring, consisting of more than a carat of high-grade diamonds set in 31 grams of gold and ...

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Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:06:43 GMT

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“Exquisite diamonds either loose or mounted as jewelry is a natural area for Dalumi and holds a special attraction. Kemp added that the diamond and jewelry ...
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